After each clients boudoir session we send them a questionnaire to ask them about their shoot. Keep reading to hear what our client had to say about their experience with Lux and Noir Boudoir.
Have you ever done a boudoir shoot before? If so, how does your shoot with Chelsea compare to your prior experience?
Prior to my shoot, I had never done a boudoir photoshoot.
Why did you do your boudoir shoot?
To check a box on my bucket list. It was something I had always considered and was so happy to have two lovely ladies there to help me check off that box.
What was your favorite part of the session?
The conversations. I know that may sound weird but Chelsea made me feel incredibly comfortable the entire time. She has a beautiful sense of humor that worked well with my nervousness.
Was your experience what you were expecting? If not, how was it different?
Exactly what I had hoped for! I can’t imagine a better experience.
What was the best part of your experience? Would you change anything?
I would have to say exploring all the different ways to position yourself. Chelsea took my request and helped modify them according to my needs and abilities. I don’t think there is anything I would change.
What was your favorite photograph?
Standing between the windows in one of the white button downs. It’s such a simple look and yet has so much power to it.